Adding a USB Stick to the Raspberry Pi
If you beat the heck out of your SD card on a Raspberry Pi by having code that constantly updates a database, you're eventually going to start having problems with the card. These little SD cards are...
View ArticleOK, Now I Have a Question I Need Help With
I ran across a forum discussion that got me to thinking <link>. I was researching (again) measuring power with some non intrusive method when I ran into a typical snarky set of responses to a...
View ArticleWemo Light Switches and Intermittent Failures ... Found it!
I have four Wemo light switches operating around the house on outside lights. You know the ones. They're the switches that you remember after you get in bed and have the covers pulled up. In my...
View ArticleTaking Another Look at Process Communication - CherryPy
I've been using SysV interprocess communication between the various processes that control and monitor the devices around the house, and it's been working fine. But, at some point I'm going to want to...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi, CherryPy, Process Communication, Part 2
Last post I talked about experimenting with a different method of process communication: using HTTP between the processes. This will allow me to move some of my work to another machine, and increase...
View ArticleAcuRite Weather Station, Raspberry Pi and a USB interface; Part 1
This is a long drawn out story. Sorry. I'm going to go into more detail than I usually do and the project will span more than one blog entry. That's because it is really complex and deals with stuff...
View ArticleAcuRite Weather Station, Raspberry Pi and a USB interface; Part 2
In part 1 <link> I described the AcuRite weather station I have and how I wanted to hook into the USB interface so I could have the data and do anything I wanted to with it. I also gave...
View ArticleAcuRite Weather Station, Raspberry Pi and a USB interface; Part 3
Part 2 of this is here <link>, and part 1 is here <link>.Well, we've talked about the weather station, how to create a usb device for it and how to get a device driver that can talk to it....
View ArticleUsing CherryPy for interprocess Communication Part 3
Part 1 is here <link>, and part 2 is here <link>.I've been devoting my project time to the weather station, and completely forgot about finishing my testing of using HTTP to communicate...
View ArticleAcuRite Weather Station, Raspberry Pi and a USB interface On the Web Part 4
Part 3 of this is here <link>After I finished up changing how my various processes communicate in the last post, I got back to the weather station. Frankly, it's no fun reading lines of text,...
View ArticleAcurite Weather Station, Raspberry Pi, USB driver, I messed up, Part 5
Part 4 of this series is here <link>Yep, I messed up, here's the story: I was logging data so I could try and decode the barometric sensor and was getting nowhere, so I thought I'd take the...
View ArticleAcuRite Weather Station, Barometric Pressure Part 6
Part 5 of this interminable series is here <link>Way back in part 1 of this project I mentioned that I got into a little spat with a software developer about bringing up a linux version of his...
View ArticleAcuRite Weather Station, Raspberry Pi, Refining the readings Part 7
The previous part of this project is here <link>Yes, another post on this device. Even with this one, I'm not done; there will be others since I want to sample the RF from the sensor at some...
View ArticleAcuRite Weather Station, Raspberry Pi, Fun Stuff, Part 8
Part 7 of this series is here <link>I mentioned way back in part 1 that I visited a site and discussed a linux version of the AcuRite weather station interface with a guy on Valley Information...
View ArticleWemo Light Switches, a Completely New Approach
I have several posts on implementing the Wemo switches into my house <link, link, link> and of course a couple of other modifications to make things a little easier; lastly, where I finally found...
View ArticleI Want to Whine About Shipping Costs.
I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes one of my projects costs more in shipping fees than components. Getting a couple of chips and resistors across the country can make a project cost...
View ArticleBarometric Pressure, Wow, that was easy
My barometric pressure sensor came in today. I posted about ordering it a short while ago because the shipping costs at Adafruit (my preference) were too cotton-pickin' high, and man, I was totally...
View ArticleMy Barometer, and Tips and Tricks With XBee Device Code.
In the last post <link> I put together a basic barometer to substitute for the silly one on the AcuRite console that came with my 5n1 weatherhead. My XBee shield still hasn't come in, but I got...
View ArticleLet's Finish Off the Barometer Project.
In the last entry <link> I posted the code for my barometer; I took a simple program of a few lines and turned it into a monster that does everything imaginable. Now, I should actually set it up...
View ArticleSuddenly, I'm Famous
Heh, this blog is the "Engineering Site of the Day" at I only get this privilege for a day, so check it out quickly:'ve used the site several times...
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